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Saturday, October 3, 2015

We're Back!

Its time for a come back! 
It's been a while! 
My last post was April 2013...
Fast forward to October 2015

I was looking back at all the posts I've done over the years (including my first blog), 
and realized one thing...
I miss documenting our fun times!
Since the blog ended a few years ago, I don't take as many pictures and videos as I use to. 
and ... I wish I did.
I don't write down experiences the way I use to .... and I wish I did. 

It was pretty clear as my kids and I sat down and looked back over the blog,
we LOVED seeing all the pictures & video.  

So, I think the blog needs to come back ....
This is Elaina earlier this year at her 7th birthday party! 
(Oscar 9, Elaina 7, Mason 5)
As I looked back at the pictures I've taken this year, 

I couldn't find hardly any pictures with all the kids together!

It makes me sad, that's for sure.  We have had some crazy times, hard times, stressful times the last two years, but STILL ... that's no excuse for the lack of pictures and video!
Its October, and I only found a handful of group pictures for the entire year so far!

So, my mission is clear. 
Re-start my blog and get on the ball with taking more pictures, video, and telling our stories.
Plus, its a great outlet for me!
Here's a pretty recent picture of Oscar and Mason

Here's one of Ellie & Oscar

 I'm excited already for this new beginning. 
I know there will come a time when my kids and I will sit down again at the computer to look at our blog,
and I will be super happy to see that it has recent stories and pictures! 

And probably even more important is that THEY will LOVE IT!
I found this picture too - 1st day of school 2015
Mason - kindergarten
Ellie - 2nd grade
Oscar - 4th grade

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes! I think it is a great idea for you to fire the blog up again. Way to go!